
Det är inne att sticka! Men målet är inte att producera tröjor och halsdukar, utan att varva ner och lösa livsproblem.En hjärnforskare går så långt som att säga att stickning har samma effekt på oss som meditation, yoga och qi gong. Ulrika Lokrantz Ur PS! juni-augusti 2006 Knitting is the thing to do! A scientist, specialising in the brain, even goes as far as to say that the effect of knitting is the same as with meditation, yoga and qi gong. Ulrika Lokrantz (Transl. BM Lind)

onsdag, juni 20, 2012

Mystery flower update + knitting, Japanese friends and grandchildren

 Mystery flower no longer a mystery. She's a Crossandra nilotica, Firecracker plant!
 Farmer Klara on a 4-day-stay at grandma's.
 Let the stormy clouds chase, everyone from the place - come on with the rain I've a smile on my face. As if...
 "Blaban"!! Ask's favourite book.
 The Swedish Handicraft Soceity Jubilee, 100 years! Friends from Hiroshima, Japan, came and shared the experience.

 Last "stickkafé" at Litet Nystan before the summer closing. Knitters enjoy any size space as long s there's lots of yarn.