
Det är inne att sticka! Men målet är inte att producera tröjor och halsdukar, utan att varva ner och lösa livsproblem.En hjärnforskare går så långt som att säga att stickning har samma effekt på oss som meditation, yoga och qi gong. Ulrika Lokrantz Ur PS! juni-augusti 2006 Knitting is the thing to do! A scientist, specialising in the brain, even goes as far as to say that the effect of knitting is the same as with meditation, yoga and qi gong. Ulrika Lokrantz (Transl. BM Lind)

torsdag, april 12, 2012

Lovely overdose of flowers. Pelargoner och överdos av växter i allmänhet.

 Would you like a cup of Mma Ramotswes (The Ladies First Detective Agency)  bush tea...the Rooibos bush
 Or maybe some chocolate? The Cocoa tree.

 A quick trip to California! Californian Poppy.

 Geraniums, geraniums.. and 3 of them followed me home.

 For all you single people out's a bench just for you. On the walk to Bergianska Gardens in Stockholm.

Loquat fruit. (Japansk mispel)
Could hardly tear myself away from this lemon flower. Oh, the fragrance!

Missed the almond tree bloom by 3 months. But there was one (1) almond on it.
The knowledgeable Rachel, our guide, like Ferdinand the Bull, under the Cork Oak.