
Det är inne att sticka! Men målet är inte att producera tröjor och halsdukar, utan att varva ner och lösa livsproblem.En hjärnforskare går så långt som att säga att stickning har samma effekt på oss som meditation, yoga och qi gong. Ulrika Lokrantz Ur PS! juni-augusti 2006 Knitting is the thing to do! A scientist, specialising in the brain, even goes as far as to say that the effect of knitting is the same as with meditation, yoga and qi gong. Ulrika Lokrantz (Transl. BM Lind)

torsdag, december 14, 2006

Vår stickkonspiration är avslöjad

Det är blogkollaren (läs mer där) som har avslöjat våra onda planer på att ta över världen:
Naked knitting world weaves yarns around web
Who would have thought that between the cups of tea, Eastenders repeats and Sunday roasts, the knitting community was silently creating a formidable, secret and deadly presence on the web. Even web 2.0 is not safe from the knit-one-purl-one needles, gradually weaving their subtle threads around us.
They've caught us out. Message to all knitters: Go to plan B!


Anonymous Anonym said...

I heard a woman on the radio say knitting was cool. It was on public service morning it must be true...
This woman, oranizes begginners classes for knitting. After a semester they end it all by getting together, the whole group,in a theater, on stage and knit as fast as they can to Leyla K-songs (the first swedish rapper)! The one who manages to keep on knitting all the songs through, wins! They didn't let us know what the price was...hopefully not a Best of album with Leyla K!

/the happy feminist

10:11 fm  

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